“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)

This may or may not surprise you, but the plain truth is that a great deal of what’s happening in your life today may be simply down to the environment your own words have created. Your words are powerful! They are powerful enough to set the forces of life or the forces of death in motion.

God has endowed your words with so much power that something as small as the tongue can utter words capable of altering the entire course of your life just as a small rudder can turn a mighty ship around with relative ease. It is the will of God that we rule our world with words just as God created and upholds all things with power of His word.

Setting the forces of death in motion is akin to speaking limiting words into your own life or taking ownership of the limiting words others have spoken about you. They could be words that make you feel comfortable in that place of poor performance, weakness and failure, or words that gives justification for continuance in a self-destructive and relationship-damaging behaviour.

By choosing your words carefully you can start building up those things that need to be built up and pull down the things that must be pulled down in your life.

Start today to create a different future for yourself! Begin by changing the "how", the "what", the "why" and the "when" behind every word that leave your mouth whether spoken in private to your own hearing alone or in public. Profess the will of God for your life...!


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