“I have seen limit to all perfection, but Your command is without limit” (Psalm 119:96, HCSB)

God’s word is broad, absolute, limitless and unrestrained. It can penetrate into the most evil heart and heal it. It can renew and revive the most difficult marriage. God’s command speaks to every situation and to everything He created. We can confidently say: “with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27)!

Paul declared that whilst the enemies of the Gospel may have had him in chains and locked him up in jail, thus limiting his physical movement, yet the word of God is not bound (2 Tim 2:9).  The word of God is free to change lives, work miracles, and renew lives. The word of God is present, it is powerful and unlimited in its reach, and can impact any part of anyone’s life. However, unbelief limits manifestation because God never by-passes a person’s will: “and Jesus did not do many mighty works, because of their unbelief” (Matt. 13:58).

Do not allow your consciousness of limits to place a limit on the impact that God’s word is capable of having in your life and over your circumstances. Let the word renew your mind; believe that as you obey God’s boundless word, you can have a future so different from your present, and so full of hope and possibilities.

When you obey God’s command in your marriage, job or ministry, He will take you where He wants you to be. The word of God speaks to every part of your life; He wants you to experience abundant life in all. There is no limit to what God can do in the life of a person who is committed to believing Him and acting on His word!


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