“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. Proverbs 23:7

Our text is only ten words long and as powerful as any word of God to completely turn your life around forever.

Have ever heard someone, or even yourself, say "Why do I say these things?" "Why do I do these things?" "Why do I end up with this kind of person or that kind of relationship?" The Bible teaches that there is something about the way we think that defines us and what we attract. Our own thoughts and confessions become self-fulfilling prophesies!

Jesus said, a person’s life is harmed not by what goes into their mouth, but by that which comes out of it, which itself is the overflow of the content of the person’s heart (Matt 15:10-11, 15-20).

What direction our hearts tend towards, the rest of our lives will gravitate towards is the unmistakable conclusion of the scriptures! Consequently, if we desire changes in our lives, we should start by changing the content of our hearts – what we think and thus believe about ourselves, and indeed about God and the people around us.

If it’s that simple, why is there so little enthusiasm? Several reasons – denial, reluctance, excuses, blame, to name a few. But mostly, because the need has not become imperative; the stakes are not high enough.

How important is it for you to think the thoughts God thinks about, to think in an empowering and life-changing way? To think differently is to believe differently and change your confessions. Literally, you change your world!

You are what you think...!


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