“The righteous falls seven times and rises again...”Proverbs 24:16

Everyone goes through things in life that can potentially knock them down. No one however becomes a failure for falling; you only become a failure when you fail to rise again!

The word of God warns us to expect life challenges. Obstacles and oppositions will trip us, but we only truly fail when we quit trying to get it right. A righteous person may fall seven times but finds strength and courage in the Word to rise again each time and get on with life.

David faced a lot of opposition and disappointments in his quest to take his rightful place on the throne, but he never gave up trying. At one time his enemies ravaged his base at Ziklag and took his family and those of his men captive. Those men who had loyally fought alongside with him are now disillusioned and threaten to stone him to death. David however did not see this as the end of the road for him: he encouraged himself in the LORD his God.[i]

David fell but did not stay down! He encouraged himself, he got back up again, and led out his men to get their families back. The righteous never quits but presses on with strong confidence in the Lord. This is the will of God.

Don’t count yourself a failure in a area of life yet. Learn from your mistakes; get back up to your feet one more time – the grace of God is sufficient for you!

[i] 1 Samuel 30:6


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