“Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)

Complete dependence on God is the foundation of that which can be qualified as “good success”, for God alone is good. Whether you are building a house (or your life) or watching over the same, unless God is the ultimate builder, our passage insists that the effort is in vain.

One key lesson that stands out from our passage, especially for the person for whom Jesus Christ is Lord, is the necessity of insisting on "good success" and of living by a different standard for evaluating success in your life and ministry. Child of God, your definition of success should have "Jehovah" at its core. It is about what God is achieving through you as you submit to His ways. Your decisions regarding the path you must walk to attain success in your endeavours will not be determined solely by the “end” itself, but by God’s approval of the “means” also.

The second time the people of Israel complained about thirst during their wilderness experience, God told Moses to “speak” to the rock as a means of getting water to flow from it, but Moses “struck” the rock with his rod instead. Now, even though God gave the people water to drink, Moses himself, however, did not escape the repercussion of failing to follow God’s means for achieving the end. That success did not glorify God. Some will say the end justifies the means, but not so with God.

God's ways are higher than ours; His word is a superior foundation on which to build for success. In all your ways as a husband, wife, parent, sister, employee, minister, and so on, if God’s word and therefore God Himself is not your foundation, then what you build will be no different from the man who built His house on sand. It may look good, but will it withstand the storm? Will it honour God?

Good Success is succeeding God's way! Let God lead you in everything you do, and your labour will never be in vain. He will lead you into good success!

Other reference Scriptures: Matthew 7:21; Numbers 20:7-12; Matt 7: 26-27


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