“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” – (Psalm 119:89, NKJV)
We make another faith-building observation about the word of God in today’s reflection on the scriptures. God’s word is “Forever…settled”, and consequently testifies of His faithfulness, His power, His unfailing love, and care.
The “Settled Word” of God is not only firmly fixed in the heavens, but it is sure and certain, it is pure and without blemish or fault. You can trust in the immutability and integrity of God’s word. David said in this regard, “God has spoken once; twice have I heard this...” (Psalm 62:11). “Settled Word” means that everything else may change (and will indeed change), but the Word of God never changes.
In difficult times, when the heart grows weary and doubtful, the believer’s greatest need is to continue in strong confidence toward God. One thing that will contribute to this is an assurance of the reality that whatever God has already spoken is firmly fixed and settled - nothing more can be added to or taken away from it. He has magnified His word above all His names!
By revealing His word to be “Forever...settled”, our God reassures anyone who will do His will, that He will honour His word: “He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9).
Grow, therefore, in your faith toward God whose word never changes. Obey His word without fear: He will do what He said He will do. In your obedience, you can shout: “I have what God says. It is settled!”


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