“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:6)
This text is a guidance given in the context of a believer’s conversation with those who are outside the Christian faith. However, the underlying principle in this verse has universal relevance for how and why believers speak, and it is valid in every context within which they do communicate – whether speaking to fellow Christians or to non-Christians.

When we speak we must speak uniquely to the person in front of us. The word of God requires us to “know how we ought to answer each person”. We must avoid stereotyping people when we speak to them, but trust God for wisdom to “answer each person”

God wants to speak to “each person” in their unique and specific situation or circumstance. You can be the vessel through whom He speaks to the next person – saved or not.

Called to be ambassadors of Christ and vessels fit for the Master’s use, the Christian will be able to speak uniquely to each person if he endeavours to allows his words to “always be gracious , seasoned with salt.”

Apostle Paul described God’s word as the “word of His grace” – word that ministers the grace of God. If we learn to discern the purpose of God and learn to speak according to divine purpose alone, desiring always to be gracious when we speak, then our words would minister grace to all who hear us.

The next time you speak, don’t be quick to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind or repeat meaningless platitudes, but put your words to the test of our text: Is what I’m about to say gracious? Is it seasoned with salt? Is it relevant to the person I am speaking to at this moment? Our words are gracious when they line up with the will of God so that they carry the power to change lives for the glory of God.

Salt is a seasoning and a preservative. We add it to our food either to enhance its flavour or to preserve it from decay, or both. The words we speak must have the same effect. Christian, your words ought to be seasoned with salt and not tasteless and destructive.

At no time be thoughtless about what you say, when and how you speak, but by considering each person, the unique context and the gracious purpose of your words, speak as a vessel of God.

Be a thinking Christian and speak to minister grace to each person!

God bless you.


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