“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” ” (Psalm 91:1–2, ESV)

Fear is easily one of the most dominant force in people’s lives and we are ever seeking a safe place where we can be free of our fears.

Consequently, people build hedges around their lives to shield themselves. Yet a complete sense of security continues to be elusive because ultimately trust is being placed in “humans” who are mortal and fallible, and in “things” that can readily cease to be as secure as we imagined. We accumulate wealth but it can lose its value; the security measures we set up for personal protection can fail; whether intentionally or unintentionally, man can disappoint us.

In our passage, however, the psalmist tell us of another place where we can seek shelter. A “safe place” where we are totally free from all fears can be found neither in man nor in things. This safe place which is sufficient for our salvation, protection, deliverance, preservation and provision can only be found in one place: “in the shelter of the Most High.”

If you are born of the Spirit of God, you already have access to dwell in that safe place where the divine presence of the Almighty cast a protective shadow over every part of your life, and casts out every fear.

And those who have learnt to abide in God as their shelter from all conceivable, even the inconceivable, calamities and shortcomings of life will experience the joy and blessing of being able to say, the Lord is “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” My Safe Place is in the Lord!


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